Happy New Year 2021 with Forever Living Products

Best wishes to all our customers and distributors for this new year

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After this special year, we wish good health and the best fulfillment to our customers and distributors.

Since March 2020, we have been experiencing an unprecedented and distressing global situation for many.

It is in this environment that we must know how to adapt, protect our loved ones, and remain optimistic.

I particularly thank our teams of distributors in all countries for their involvement and positive energy.

A thought also for our customers for their trust and loyalty.

I personally count more than 1000 in the world and it reminds me of how far I have come with the Forever Living Products company.

Very soon we will resume product publications but in the meantime enjoy every moment and perhaps an aloe pulp cure to help your body recharge after the excess food of the holidays.


Fabrice Drévet
