Forever Living Products C9 and DX4 Programs

Forever Living Products C9 and DX4 programs

Programs C9 et DX4 from Forever Living Products are designed to help you lose weight, cleanse your body and improve your overall health. These two programs work in parallel to provide you with an effective and natural way to achieve your weight loss and wellness goals.

The C9 program: A detoxifying cure

Le C9 program is a 9 day cure which aims to cleanse your body and promote weight loss through a combination of nutritional products and a specific guide.

The stages of the C9 program

  1. Clean 9 Touch – a blend of aloe, herbs and vitamins to cleanse your digestive system.
  2. Forever Therm™ – a thermogenic supplement to increase your metabolism and burn calories.
  3. Forever Fiber™ – added fiber to aid digestion and boost feelings of fullness.
  4. Forever Lite Ultra® – ​​a protein-rich meal replacement to support your muscles during weight loss.

The C9 Program Guide

To accompany these products, the C9 program also includes a guide that details how to use them, as well as advice on diet and exercise. This guide also provides recipes and suggestions for maintaining a healthy lifestyle after the program ends.

The benefits of the C9 program

  • Weightloss : Thanks to its natural ingredients and its holistic approach, the C9 program can help you lose weight quickly and effectively.
  • Detoxification: The C9 program products help remove accumulated toxins and waste from your body, promoting better overall health.
  • Increased Energy: By flushing toxins from your system, you will likely see an increase in your energy levels and an improvement in your mood.
  • Digestive Support: The blend of aloe, herbs and vitamins in Clean 9 Touch helps cleanse your digestive system and optimize its functioning.

The DX4 program: Extra support for weight loss

The DX4 program is designed to be used in conjunction with the C9 program. It aims to provide additional support for the weight loss thanks to a combination of food supplements and diet advice and physical exercise.

The stages of the DX4 program

  1. Forever Garcinia Plus® – a supplement based onhydroxycitric acid to help regulate appetite and the conversion of carbohydrates to fat.
  2. Forever Lean® – a supplement that contains soluble fiber to help block the absorption of calories from sugars and fats.
  3. Forever PRO X²™ – a fiber-rich protein bar to meet nutritional needs between meals.

The DX4 Program Guide

Just like the C9 program, DX4 program comes with a guide that explains how to use the products and offers advice on diet and exercise. This guide also includes healthy recipes to help you maintain a balanced diet throughout the year.

The benefits of the DX4 program

  • Sustained Weight Loss: As a complement to the C9 program, the DX4 program can help you continue to lose weight and achieve your long-term goals.
  • Appetite control: The active ingredients in Forever Garcinia Plus® and Forever Lean® help control appetite and reduce cravings.
  • Nutritional support: Forever PRO X²™ Protein Bar provides essential protein and fiber while being low in calories.
  • Maintaining a healthy lifestyle: Thanks to the tips and recipes included in the guide, you can adopt a healthy and balanced lifestyle after the end of the program.

By combining the C9 and DX4 programs, Forever Living Products offers a complete solution for weight loss and general well-being. These programs are designed to work together to provide you with the tools to achieve your health and weight goals while maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
